Tag Archives: Chenresig

Illuminating Sunshine: Buddhist funeral rituals of Avalokiteśvara by Martin Boord (Rig-‘dzin rdo-rje)

Apart from the prayers stemming from the well-known Tibetan Book of the Dead, there is a remarkable lack of ritual material available in the Western world for those who wish to perform a Buddhist funeral. This gap has now been filled. As it has been wisely said, one never knows which will come first: tomorrow morning or the next life. These prayers, therefore, should be kept close at hand at all times as a powerful blessing for the living and the dead.
edition khordong at Wandel Verlag, Berlin, 16.09.2012, 17 illustrations, 362 sewn pages, hard cover, 15x22cm, 630g, 44€, ISBN: 978-3-942380-13-3
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