Donations – Support

James Low has repeatedly mentioned at his seminars how important it is to support the production of Dharma texts and books. Many could hardly imagine the enormous amount of work that goes into this, and it is invaluable that we, as such a small sangha, have “our” books. In order to carry out the announced projects, to cover the printing costs and to be able to offer the books at a lower price, we need your support. The German translation of “This is it” is quite costly to realise. Other smaller books by James Low are in the planning stage. There is also the longstanding project of Tulku Tsurlo’s commentary on the Gonpa Zangthal (English translation), a book on the legends of the 84 Mahasiddhas, Yeshe Lama (German translations) and some more. So a lot is in prospect!

To raise funds for this, we have now set up a donation page where money can be sent in two ways (directly or via Betterplace). There is also the possibility to add something to the price of the book with every purchase via our website. Please feel free to make use of this. If you would like to give a larger sum or support a special book project, you can also contact us directly. Please note that donations are considered gifts, as the Edition is not entitled to issue donation receipts!

Happy Padmasambhava Day to all with much success in practice and application. Sarva Mangalam!

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