Repelling all troubles

James Low has put together up a short praxis manual for the actual situation of confusion and sorrow: “With the commotion and confusion that has arisen from the military invasion of the Ukraine the consequences of violence and war have become obvious. When we follow the middle way we neither turn away from problems nor merge into them. Here is a short practice text (dog-pa ཟློག་པ) that you can do to help stay calm and clear in the face of provocation. Using the power of the Buddha’s word to repel cruel intentions and outrageous lies we can maintain our openness to love and truth.May all beings whatever their nationality benefit from this!”

You’ll find the english text as PDF here. It has also been translated into German , Polish and Portuguese. Share this! This post on James’ website:

James gave also a teaching to this text which you can find on his YouTube channel here:

If you prefer just to listen, you can here:

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