Corrigendum and Download for A Cloudburst of Blessings

Corrigendum and downloads for:

A Cloudburst of Blessings
The water initiation and other rites of empowerment for the practice of the Northern Treasures Vajrakīla

Vajrakīla Texts of the Northern Treasures Tradition
volume four

translated by Martin Boord (Rig-‚dzin rdo-rje)


A Cloudburst of Blessings. On p. 231, the final line of the verse that begins “HŪṀ This is the deity Amṛtakuṇḍalin …” should read: “ Now you receive the empowerment of control over all your karma.”


Download of „Offering the world maṇḍala“ as written on page 147, note 35.

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